donations make the world turn
Your tax-exempt donation will go towards the Veterinary care, grooming, feeding, and transportation of the dogs. As a non-profit organization we rely on donations or fundraising activities to continue operations and fulfill our goals.
Your contribution makes an enormous difference in the lives of these dogs.
Your contribution makes an enormous difference in the lives of these dogs.
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at |
PNK has partnered with Claire's Canine Connection to provide much needed obedience training and to work on our dogs personalities to help them find homes.
Please sponsor one of these classes to speed up the adoption process for our dogs. You can visit the trainer's website by clicking the picture below. |